New affordable homes in Yelvertoft

yelvertoft site plan

We'll be starting construction of five new affordable homes in the village of Yelvertoft in autumn 2024.

The five much-needed affordable properties - due to be ready in early 2025 - will be prioritised for people with a connection to Yelvertoft.

Spacious and low-carbon affordable homes

The homes will built to national space standards and will incorporate the latest in air source heating technology.

The air source heat pumps are eco-friendly, reducing carbon dioxide emissions, and also provide lower cost heating, compared to traditional electric heating systems found in many off-gas rural homes. This will help to keep energy bills low for residents, which in times of significant energy cost increases, is more important than ever to help challenge fuel poverty.

Who else is involved?

Whiterock Homes will be building the homes. 

We're grateful to Homes England for their £420,400 funding, and to West Northamptonshire Council and Yelvertoft Parish Council for their support.

Development details and application process:

About the homes

Local connection criteria

  • Homes for rent

    To be eligible to apply for a rented home, applicants will need to have a proven housing need, and priority will be given to  applicants with a local connection to Yelvertoft.

    Further details about local connection requirements will be added here soon.

  • Homes for shared ownership

    The shared ownership homes will be prioritised using the above local connection criteria.

    Please get in touch with us for more information on 0300 1234 009 or at or register you interest below and we'll let you know when the homes are going on sale.

How to apply and bid for a home

  • How to apply for a rented home

    The homes are due to be ready in late 2024 / early 2025.

    When the homes are built they'll be advertised on the West Northamptonshire Council choice based letting system.

    To apply you'll need to be registered on the West Northamptonshire Council housing register:

    Register your interest with us:

    You can also register your interest with us (form below), and when the new homes are nearing completion, we’ll let you know that the homes are being advertised on the West Northamptonshire Council website.

  • How to purchase a shared ownership home

    For shared ownership homes

    Please read the local connection criteria above.

    Register your interest with us

    Then please register your interest below and when the new homes are nearing completion, we’ll get in touch with you to advise you of the next steps to apply.

Open market homes

Further info

Register of interest form:

As per our privacy policy. You can remove consent by contacting us
To be placed on our register of interest, the Association does require applicants to meet a strict section 106 local connection criteria. Please select from the following options your connection to the village you are applying for;

(eg. renting with social housing provider, private renting, living with family etc)