Finding a home to buy

shared ownership header

Shared ownership is an affordable way of getting on the property ladder. You buy a share, usually with a mortgage, and pay a reduced rent on the rest.

It helps you to buy a home, if you can't afford a large deposit and mortgage payments, for a home that meets YOUR needs.

Shared owner homes currently for sale or in development

What is shared ownership?

  • What is shared ownership?

    You buy a percentage share of the market value of a home, and pay a below-market-value rent on the rest, which is owned by the housing association — but you are living there, you decorate it, and you decide when to sell.

    Buying a percentage means a smaller deposit and smaller mortgage. It’s a sooner first step on the ladder for lots of people.

  • Different types of shared ownership

    There are two different types of shared ownership leases.

    1. Homes built before 2021
    2. Homes built after 2021 with grant funding

    Please click on the links above to read key information about the different lease types.

  • Where do NRHA have shared ownership homes?

    We have shared ownership homes across rural Northamptonshire.

    You can take a look at all the villages where we have shared ownership properties - please note, this is a list of all our properties, not a list of available/vacant homes.

    Register your interest

    If you'd like to be notified if any shared ownership homes become available in the village you're interested in, please complete the register of interest form (below).

  • Where do you advertise homes for shared ownership?


    We advertise shared ownership resale homes on our Facebook page - please follow our page to see available homes.

    Register your interest

    If you'd like to be notified if any shared ownership homes become available in the village you're interested in, please complete the register of interest form (below).

  • Further information

    To find out more about living in a Northamptonshire Rural Housing shared ownership home, please take a look at our online shared owner handbook.

    This includes information on:

    • Responsibilities as a shared owner
    • Buying more shares and selling
    • Rent and service charges

    Register your interest

    If you'd like to be notified if any shared ownership homes become available in the village you're interested in, please complete the register of interest form (below).

    If you'd like more information

    If you'd like to find out more, please get in touch with Mark Boon at Northamptonshire Rural Housing on 0300 1234 009 or at

Register of interest form:

As per our privacy policy. You can remove consent by contacting us
To be placed on our register of interest, the Association does require applicants to meet a strict section 106 local connection criteria. Please select from the following options your connection to the village you are applying for;

(eg. renting with social housing provider, private renting, living with family etc)